Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Just Like Starting Over"

Just finished the Patrick Henry Half Marathon on 8/25/12.  It was the first long race  I've done in almost 5 years. Although I've run 5 full marathons and 4 half marathons before, it really was "just like starting over".  I did it in 2:14:17 and managed not to get injured.  It was great training for the Richmond Marathon in November 2012. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Race of Determination!

The Seaside Half Marathon in Seaside Heights, New Jersey on October 17, 2010 was my first running race since the 2008 half marathon in Richmond, Virginia. Although, in the last two years my longest running distance was 10 miles, and less than 5 miles in the last few months, I was determined to finish this race. It wasn't easy, and to make things even more difficult, I started out too fast of a pace for the first 7 miles. Despite being very fatigued and sore, I was determined to push through and finished the race in a respectable time. This was a small, local, race which was a lot of fun thanks to the beach and the bar at Spicy.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Weight Loss Twins Reveal Their Truth About Diets "Rapid Action Metabolism" System!

Coming Soon!
Truth About Diets is the unprecedented new Health and Fitness program created by Bill and Jim Germanakos, also known as "The Weight Loss Twins" who lost a combined weight of 350 pounds to win the hit reality television show "The Biggest Loser" Season Four, two years ago.

This exciting program is expected to be available in mid June. Truth About Diets will feature the Rapid Action Metabolism system, which is a technique designed to help you increase your metabolism and lose weight fast. It's the same system Bill and Jim used to lose 20 pounds per month, in just 8 months.

Learn how you can lose weight with the Rapid Action Metabolism System and earn a chance at winning fabulous prizes with The 60 Day Weight Loss Challenge.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Half Marahton Post Race Review

Overall, it was just a great race for me. The weather was nice and despite my lack of training, I felt I did really well and felt better than I thought I would after the race. My time was 2:05:06. I really hope the half marathon will be part of this race event next year.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Racing Again!

The last two years I have run the Suntrust Richmond Marathon, but this year, I have decided to run the half marathon. It's been a full year since I ran a race with any distance. Since last year, I haven't been able to train as much as I need to for a marathon, so I was happy to hear there would be a half marathon this year. I'm gonna take it nice and easy and have fun and really take in the sights and sounds that this race event has to offer. It will likely be rainy, so that should make for an interesting race. Good luck to all who are participating and have fun.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Can't wait to race again!

I'll be running the Richmond Half Marathon this coming November 15th. It's my first race since my last Marathon last November. I can't wait to get out there and race again. I've been preparing by running three days a week. Although I haven't done any long distance mileage yet, I have been focusing on speed and intervals. I will definitely run a few long runs, 8-10 miles, before the race, though. I'm excited to get back to racing. The half marathon should be a lot of fun.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Running Together!

Well, my daughter Katilin and I just began running together on Saturdays. She really seems to enjoy the jogging stoller. I was actually a little worried she wouldn't like it. The Annabelles Angels 5K, which is a local race in our neighborhood, is being held on September 6th. It's one of the few running events I know of that allow jogging strollers, so I am happy that Kaitlin and I will be able to participate together.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Monument Ave 10 Race Results

Well, it rained lightly during the entire race, but the weather didn't seem to affect any of the runners. I definitely wasn't able to keep up with the strong pace that I ran during my last few races, but still managed to finish in under an hour. I jumped out too strong in the beginning and just sruggled after mile 2. I'm actually glad it was raining because if it was any where near as warm as it was last year, the outcome would have been a lot different. Overall, it was a good race. I haven't gotten my official race results, so I will post them later.

Friday, April 4, 2008

My Third Running of the Monument Ave 10k

Tomorrow will be my third straight year running the Monument Ave 10k. I have no real goal as far as time this year, except for having a good leisurely run and really enjoying the race. I will post my results and race comments after the race.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Back to running update:

With the arrival of my little girl two months ago, running and training has been harder than ever. I now have a treadmill so I run in the garage, so I'm close to home. I've been running four days a week, but only 3-4 miles. Today, was the first time I ran outside since early December. I'm running the Monument Ave 10k in April. In the summer, my daughter should be old enough for the jogging stroller. I hope to take her along on my long runs as I prepare for my next marathon.

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